When I do a Google Lighthouse test on https://the-best-website.com/ I get 92/100 for SEO because the 4 main menu links (For Visitors, For Admins, This Website & About Us) are not crawlable.
In Joomla I created those Main Menu Items with Menu Type "Menu Heading" because of Mobile Phones. So you can click a Main Menu item to see the sub-menu items under that Parent Menu item.
For desktop users I would like to use the "Category Blog" Menu Type instead. However, when on Mobile Phone selecting a "Category Blog" Menu item, the page would refresh to display a Category Blog page. So Mobile Phone visitors cannot select the sub-menu item children.
Alternatively I could always display all sub-menu items under their parent Main Menu items, but that gives too many choices.
What is a good way to improve the menu?